Sunday, March 23, 2008


So, it's Easter. We were all over the place this year. Kevin and Kirsten had dinner with us. Ashley bought Merrick an Easter basket. He loves his binkies. And.. we are always searching all over the house for one. So she got him an easter basket full of binkies (orginal idea huh!). He carried his basket all over the place today. We are all helping him eat his M& M's. So Ashley decided that when we can't find anymore after this, he's done with binkies. Merrick now calls Ashley "mommom", it's very cute.


Whats up Fam! well me and the girls (and Andy and Tanner) went to a Love You Long Time show, it was awesome. we dressed up colorful for the show so heres some pics!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

There was a St. Patty's Dance on Friday that we went to and we had to wear green.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Little Man

Merrick Bear

I call Merrick "Mer Bear" Ashley doesn't like it. He loves this big bear and gives it big hugs, its cute. Like his t-shirt. It fits him. He poured Acne Treatment Gel on the carpet today, left a big orange stain. Played with the remote on the TV and it took us about a half hour to get a picture on the tube again. His mom took him swimming today, he wanted to run around the pool and climb the stairs. I took him to the playland at the Mall tonight, and he had a blast playing with all the kids there. He will really enjoy the nursery at church in a few months when he turns 18 months old.

Kevin & Kirsten

We had a fun afternoon in Huntington Beach with Kevin a couple of weeks ago. Got to meet Kirsten, she is very cute.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

UT Fun

For those that don't know yet, I (Eric) am single again. After 2 years of marriage Mindy decided she wasn't ready for marriage (her very own words...might have thought about that beforehand, but oh well) and went back to college. It has been VERY rough, but luckily I found a great group of kids in Provo, that all grew up in Ventura County, and are so much fun. This weekend, Jen and Steph, brought their room mates and stayed at my house. I came home at 1:30 to find them in the hot tub with a bunch of boys on Friday! Saturday, I went out to the BYU Volleyball game and a dance party. Here are some pics to check out.