Sunday, September 28, 2008

Steph's Headches Solved!

So i've been in and out of the doctors all week trying to find the reason i have chronic headaches. On Wed. i took a blood test where they made me drink sugar water, basically it tasted like sprite, but no fizz, and 8 times more sweet! it was so gross, i havn't drinken 7up or sprite since! so in the course of five hours i had my blood drawn six times, which i have come to find i somewhat enjoy. (i might even take a phlebotomy course to become a phlebotomist, which would be cool till i get my degree). I have a cool bruise in a straight line in my arm cause the last person to take my blood was retarded and was jiggling the needle around in my arm! But i met with the Doctor on Friday and we went over the results together. Apparently i have an "overreactive pancreas" and am "pre-diabetic" so basically no more sugar for steph or i'll have diabetes in a few years! so the last few days i've been eatign healthier and guess what mom-i switched to DIET SODA!!! you should be so proud! i still think its not as good though, but i'll live. so since then the headaches have decreased so i think we may have found the culprit!

This Saturday I went to yellowstone with my friend Jon and 3 other people I didn't know. But It was a lot of fun. We saw lots of elk and buffalo. There were a few waterfalls we went to and we went on a few mini hikes and decided to climb a few walls for fun. It was nice to get away from school all day:)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Back To Rexburg

So im back in Rexburg. i like my roommates and my apartment. Im in Coloniel 606, 3rd floor!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Brittany Baxter

Got a new girlfriend and i really like her. Her name is Brittany Baxter and she is from Las Vegas. She is the oldest of 3 girls, her dad flies for Southwest and her mom looks like she's 25. After we started dating we realized that we had both had crushes on each other for a few months, but both thought that we were out of each others reach! She is a sass and talkative, not afraid to share her opinion, but soft and sweet at the same time. I like her a lot and she has no problem telling me that she likes me just as much.
Our first date was Jack Johnson. 72 Degrees, on the grass, Jack Playing his guitar, eating a pretzel with cheese. First kiss was on the grass in front of the temple. The sprinklers turned on just as we kissed. Didn't stop us though. We rode our bikes home soaking wet and laughing. That's how it should be. Just feels right.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Summer Trip to San Diego

Grandpa and Mimi took Merrick to San Diego for three days. We didn’t really have a vacation this summer, and it was hard to get child care for three days, so we took him with us. He had a great time. He was really good in the car with his new Thomas Train toys and book, and… for the first time, we put DVD’s in the car for him to watch. He slept really well in the hotel on the floor. He loved having all our attention. We went to the San Diego zoo, and he was most fascinated by the tram. He called in the “boat up sky”. I thought he would be really afraid of it, but he loved it. He loved the hippos when they were right next to him in the underground water tank.

We went to Mission Bay and he played on the swings and slides. He played in the McDonald land slides, and on some business stops we visited a little place that had a horse, goats, kittens, puppies and roosters. He loved the sound of the rooster and tried very hard to copy the sound.

We went on a tour of a navy ship in San Diego, and he loved that too. It was a lot of walking and climbing, but he was a real trooper. He had to try and turn every turn handle and called it a car.

We visited Eric because he was there as well, and he and Merrick had lots of fun. He rode on his skateboard in his hotel room, and Eric took him on the merry go round.

Merrick and I got to swim at the hotel a little bit. He has a little life jacket that his mom bought and he just kicks and floats around and has a good time.